lubuntu Documentation for the light Ubuntu

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lubuntu vs Ubuntu

What is the difference between lubuntu and Ubuntu? How does lubuntu compare to Ubuntu?

  Ubuntu Lubuntu
Based On Debian Stable Debian
Default Desktop Environment Unity(various editons with MATE, Xfce, LXDE and other) LXDE
Init-System Systemd Systemd
Official Supported Architectures i386, amd64 amd64, i686
Package manager dpkg dpkg
Release Schedule 2 Year LTS / 6 Month Releases 2 Year LTS / 6 Month Releases

Both Lubuntu and Ubuntu share Two Major Important Things:

  1. Same Core System
  2. Same Repositories

Lubuntu and Ubuntu belong to the same family and talking about each as totally different two systems is not correct since they have some things in common. Thus, we use the same Forum Area and share many Wiki Pages.

The differences between Lubuntu and Ubuntu are:

  1. Different DE - Lubuntu uses LXDE while Ubuntu uses Unity as the default DE.
  2. Different Default Applications

Other than that, they are the same. The DE is what makes Lubuntu a lightweight OS, and of course the selected applications too because we make sure to use the lightest applications which are not resource hungry. However, you are still free to use any application available in Ubuntu’s repositories, as long as your computer can run it.

Lubuntu is recognized as a member the Ubuntu family by the developers of Ubuntu.

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